
Our Bicycles.

Our vintage bicycles

Thanks to the wide selection of vintage bikes from my personal collection, made available to you with the knowledge that you will appreciate these real jewels from the past, you can tackle the chosen tour in complete safety under my expert guidance. Here are some of the bicycles you can ride on:

Bicycles of the heroic cycling period: 1920-1950 .

This vintage road bike is to be considered the real ‘Champions’ bike’ of the ‘20s. This special bike was the competitor of other two important brands of that époque, Bianchi and Maino. This model was the bike of Costante Girardengo and can be easily distinguished thanks to its special and unique color defined as ‘the Wolsit Green’. From this color was derived afterwards the name of ‘The Green Devils’ taken by Legnano. Technically speaking is a flip flop bike and my model, in details, is one of the most ancient and best preserved of its kind . Manufactured in 1921 as per frame number and fully marked with year on bottom bracket, headset, racing cranks, 40/32 hole hubs. Originally it fitted Maccari wooden hoops, now replaced with fabulous Ghisallo ones. All white parts are nickel-plated and marked with the beautiful Wolsit logo. The bike still has the accessories of the time: Wolsit inflator, Wolsit racing leather saddle. Given the rarity and difficulty in finding components, the 3-year completion is still ongoing, 100 years of history represent a challenge for every collector!

This bike is certainly an ancient vehicle of Piedmontese origin. It is equipped with rear dropouts typical of the early 30s that adapt to the famous Vittoria Margherita rear derailleur produced by the Nieddu-Turin brothers. In the reality my model is not equipped with a gearbox, since at the time the latter was sold separately as an accessory because it was expensive, but only with a chain tensioner to facilitate the change of gears without removing the wheel. It is a very precise and light bike and is one of the finest pieces of my collection being equipped with Super Siamt aluminum flip-flop hubs on rare Busso Torino rims, Universal Sport brakes and Italian iron handlebar.

This rare racing frame dates back to 1939 as per serial number. Its weight was really light for the times: only 2.4 kilos. Total weight of the bike about 8 kilos. The assembly with Simplex Italian Champion gearbox, Super Siamt aluminum hubs and Magistroni crankset makes it a unique specimen. The manufacturer Giovanni Maino from Alessandria specifies: “Bicycle built with very light steel tubes and duralumin components“. Typical of this brand was the three-plate fork that represented lightness and strength then was also used by other manufacturers but which is even visible in the logo of the brand. This bike was probably destined for a racing team in the early 1940s and has certainly been updated. It is probably a customized model for a single rider, as showed by the the presence of the seat clamp. Current condition: perfectly restored in Maino gray.
This racing bike was fitted with toothed dropouts, hubs and a Campagnolo Corsa Gearbox with two levers; it is well preserved. Found in the province of Pisa, it probably belonged to one of the Tuscan riders who were fans of the Bottecchia Ursus team, most of whose members came from our region. The team was led that year by Louison Bobet and was known as “Bottecchia’s Gialloblù team”. The manufacturer of this brand was Teodoro Carnielli, creator of excellent frames still representative of the historical period.
This iconic bike was similar to the one used by Fausto Coppi and it is very difficult to write something different for a bicycle which represents the dream of all Bianchi enthusiasts. The frame with chrome dropouts was produced for a limited time. Exemplary in excellent condition and completely preserved with Campagnolo Gran Sport group, Eagle saddle and Bianchi steel crankset. Fausto Coppi used to assemble a Magistroni TA crankset on the team’s bikes to lighten the weight so in the reality the appearance was slightly different as was the care on the customized frames, basically the World Champion model reproduced the characteristics experienced on the racing team’s bicycles. This was a Bianchi official bike.

Road Bikes 1960-1970: the birth of modern cycling .

Professional model built in the Bianchi racing department; all the signs of aging are clearly visible on this preserved specimen. This bike represents a top-of-the-range model from the mid-1960s. It is fitted with the Campagnolo Record first type group and is in the original color of the racing team. The Bianchi catalogue presented the Specialissima model with two colors, both light blue and Bianchi, but with chromed bands and greasing screw for the headset; this specimen differs from the catalogue for several details and appears to be customized for a professional. The famous Bianchi mechanic, ‘Pinella’ (his name was Giuseppe De Grandi, whose nickname was ‘Pinza d’oro’) took part in the design of these bikes under the suggestion of Campagnolo, this bike is equipped with wide flange hubs and a typical headset of the model. It probably comes from the Bianchi racing department and was built for competitive teams.
Unprofessional bike, very typical of its kind. The Maino brand always rare to be found on the market, acquired by the Atala group after WWII years and re-launched within the important brand that was led with passion by its founder. The tradition of a three-plate fork, typical of the brand and easily recognizable, has also been preserved on this Maino bicycle. Equipped with a Campagnolo Record group, with Strong-light aluminum crankset, this bike well embodies the period of the 60s when many enthusiasts were able to buy bikes for their amateur rides. These bicycle brands were very popular at the time and were used by a lot of riders, so their fame was soon great all over the world.
Created by the racing division for professional riders to celebrate Gimondi’s victory in Barcelona, it is a true jewel of the Milanese manufacturer of this period. Perfectly maintained in the light blue Bianchi color, it is equipped with a complete Super Record groupset. Its Cinelli handlebar with a customized Bianchi rainbow logo sets it apart from many others; found by an elderly enthusiast rider, it was defined by using his exact words “the bicycle of life” because he had placed an order for it directly with the Bianchi division that had customized this specimen for him. Also, given his age, this bike would have been his last professional bike. It is with real pride in fact that while selling it to me he has made me all the necessary recommendations and has given me to me his personal training uniform as a present.

Sport Travel Bicycles - The greyhounds of the younger generation.

Totally preserved 1948 bike, it has been built by using pre-WWII racing frames from the famous Milanese factory, represented at that time the best of sports bicycles along with Gloria and Maino brands. The Dei models were famous for their absolute quality and smoothness, the ‘Commendatore’ Dei is said to want to personally test the bikes by surprise as coming off the production line. In this vehicle the beautiful aluminum and felt pedals do complete the elegance of the bike with components such as the ‘Fratelli Brivio’ sport hubs and the Simplex World Champion three-speed shifter. Each part of the bicycle is marked with the year of construction and the “U.Dei Milano” logo as in the beautiful special sport bike chain guard by Dei.
This 1958 bicycle subjected to a perfect conservative restoration and equipped with its Bianchi Sport saddle by Selle Italia is derived directly from the World Champion racing frame; it differs from this in the saddle knot and the absence of adjustable rear dropouts. The three-speed Campagnolo Sport assembly is completed by a special chain guard, very light aluminum mudguards, highly sought after and fragile, and an innovative Gran Sport handlebar that is more comfortable when steering. The metallic air force blue color underlined by the chrome bands and the Bianchi metal plate on the front is captivating.
The Legnano brand of Alberto da Giussano in eternal competition with the Milanese Bianchi often managed to innovate by slightly anticipating the ever-present rival. With the memory of the popular champion Bartali, young people wanted to identify themselves with the beautiful Legnano green that over time had become metallic. In these bikes it was often enough to change the handlebar called Condor because of the wing shape and replace it with a cheap race fold … and here are the new Bartalis racing through the dusty roads of the 50s. The model was born in 1956 but this one is a bike 10 years younger. Perfectly preserved, it is equipeed with Campagnolo Sport 3-speed group, Robur saddle, Legnano metal marks, green sheaths. To highlight how typical and different was the bike saddle screw in the Legnano bikes.

Rod Brakes Bicycles - The classic travel bikes.

Bike of a small local company, probably the oldest of the bicycles produced by this company that reached us intact. Characteristic frame of the period with conjunctions and components available at the time with a low-braking brake group under the bottom bracket and handlebar called Roller with external and visible springs. The bike is completed by beautiful humpback mudguards and hubs with oiler engraved with the logo. These bicycles were supplied without the chain guard which was considered a luxury accessory to protect the chain and moving parts from the mud of the roads. Affordable price compared to that of the big brands, great resistance and relative ease of maintenance were a sure guarantee of durability of the vehicle. It should be emphasized that this bike has been handed down for a generation and perfectly maintained until its sale.
Perfectly preserved bicycle with visible decals and carefully restored in all its mechanical and structural parts. This bicycle introduces us to the splendor of the great brands with industrial series production in a historical moment of great national pride. The parent company Emilio Bozzi in Legnano took care of every detail in mechanics and aesthetics, marking practically every component with the year and putting every single screw in the catalogue. This bicycle is a perfect synthesis of smoothness, resistance and elegance. The state of this bike allows it to be considered a museum piece. While pedaling such a beautiful and fast bikes brings Italy back to life in the 1930s.
Model of a lady’s bicycle by Emilio Bozzi preserved with signs of aging, with standard accessories such as cotton paraveste, inflator, original leather saddle. This bicycle represents the concepts experimented on male bicycles and brought back to the female; after all, a women’s travel bicycle represented a leap in equality between the sexes and a challenge to conformism. It meant that a mother could go to work like her husband, that a housewife could move to sell the products of the countryside and a young daughter could cycle alone to school or follow her parents for a bike ride. Witnesses of an époque, women’s bicycles are often underestimated but always present in our history and in Italy in the 1930s.
Very well maintained bicycle with metallic blue color from a small Tuscan company. I like to call this bicycle with the nick name “The bike of Miss the Teacher” because its color, the freshness and the accessories reminds us of a cheerful and full of life picture. The components are top quality and all marked Electa in italics: Fratelli Brivio Sport hubs, Magistroni crankset, a beautiful handlebar with marked brake levers, single-center pedals marked Electa as the saddle clamp. The bike is completed with a Biemme newspaper holder, padlock , Radius headlight, bell and Rubis reflective gem.
Model defined by the Luxury Travel Bikes catalogue, it represents one of the last bicycles with rod brakes of the classical period and it was first made after the war when the country began to live and work again. Beautiful bicycle with the typical Bianchi brace fenders, branded rear reflector gem, visible Bianchi decals and shield. Each part of the bicycle has the logo and the year as per the tradition of the big manufacturers and still has its ‘Aquila’ saddle and the Bianchi branded bag for the objects such as the bell. This bicycle has a smooth and safe ride, reminding us of the thousand stories of rebirth of the 50s or the beautiful comedies of Italian cinema of that period.

Availability for groups

At your disposal, to make groups pedaling on our routes we have other bicycles listed below. Depending on the available sizes, we can supply:

  • Corsa Edoardo Bianchi –Mod 748 n° 4
  • Corsa professionale-Specialissima 1976 n° 1
  • Corsa Edoardo Bianchi-Mod 745 n° 2
  • Corsa Edoardo Bianchi-Mod 74 n° 1
  • Corsa E.Bozzi-Legnano Competizione n° 1
  • Corsa Grandis Verona – Campagnolo Chorus n° 1
  • Corsa Nanni –Campagnolo veloce n° 1
  • Edoardo Bianchi – Gran Sport Lario 28” n° 4
  • E.Bozzi –Legnano Sport Mod 50 28” n° 3
  • E.Bozzi Wolsit Mod 52 viaggio 1936 26” n° 1
  • E.Bozzi – Legnano Mod 32 viaggio 1937 28” n° 1
  • Atala Mod Suprema viaggio freni interni anni 40 28” n° 1
  • Mod viaggio Roller anni 20 28” n° 1


The bicycles available may vary according to the requests and according to the number of participants. At the time of booking, the height must always be indicated to check the availability of racing bikes.